miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2019


So we have a place to write, but what should we write? I've learnt some basic things to work with, like puzzle pieces.

print("hi") #says hi.

x = 10      #Every time I write x, code works as if I had written 10
print(x)    #says 10

I will be using these two quite a lot so I will explain each one separatedly. Still, knowing what they do is key so you better get used to them.

miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2019

First steps...

Where to practice:

The picture below shows the online terminal where I'll do most stuff, repl.it.

On the left side of the picture is the "Python interpreter prompt", also known as "the place where you can write". On it's right side we will be able to see "answers" from the code and interact with it.

If you want to try anything from this page by yourself, open the terminal and paste the code you want to try, then press "run"

What to practice:

This page also has an online course that teaches the basics step by step! You might need to make an account first. On the learn/teach tab there is a python course, how lucky.

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